our promise to you
We will only preach and teach the word of God.
The world is changing in ways that cause great concern and we have experienced that if people have a knowledge of God and an understanding of what God has for us in this life, we can enrich our lives and make changes for the better.
This is the reason why we set up Halesowen Apostolic Church. We offer all-inclusive Christian worship in the Midlands for our community to enjoy. An emphasis is placed on teaching the facts from the Bible, so that our churchgoers can make a judgement on God based on facts and experiences, rather than the little information we may have heard, or hearsay.
All of us have and are experiencing the presence of God in our lives and it shows us how God’s word is alive in us and changes all aspects of our lives, for the best, IF we work with him.
You will find all the promises that God gives to his believers who follow Him.
Come and find out for yourself. We know you will learn some amazing things about God, the world and even experience your own self-discovery.
Services and teaching:
Meet here every Sunday at 10am
Fun and educational Sunday school for children
Two Bible study evenings – The Truth Revealed on Mondays at 7.30pm
Discipleship course each Wednesday at 7.30pm for those who have completed the Truth Revealed course or Alpha course
Both Bible Studies are also available online via Zoom. To find out how to join in our online bible classes contact us for the link at halesowenapostolic@gmail.com.