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Sermons from the Halesowen Apostolic Church

Sermons from the Halesowen Apostolic Church

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One God, One Body, Unity & Love - Pastor Mark
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Sermon archive from the Halesowen Apostolic Church.

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21/04/19 - Easter Sunday - Pastor Mark
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He has risen! Jesus Christ came to save the lost, and is the firstborn of the resurrection, and this resurrection means so much more than salvation; it is power released from God for this world and the next. 

14/04/19 - Palm Sunday - Pastor Mark
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Palm Sunday according to John. Sometime we need to get back to the basics and the Gospel of John tells us so much about Jesus and the foundation of our faith. Enjoy! 

Mother's Day - Pastor Mark
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Origins of Mother's Day, important women of the Bible and a teaching on fear.

The Lost - 17-03-19 - Pastor Mark
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2 Chron 7:14-15 - God saved us to help him save the lost. God works everything together to get people saved.

Choose life or death - 10/3/19 - Pastor Mark
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Deut 30:19-20 - We all must be sure that we understand it is the choices of our life that set our path to where we are going now and of course in the future. That of course includes heaven, for every decision we make has eternal consequences.

We all have a choice but not everyone knows it - 3/3/19 - Pastor Mark
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Colossians 3:6 - The wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience. Do we choose spiritual life or death? Do we lead the life God wants for us or do we lead the life that everyone else wants us to lead? Christianity is about listening, learning and then doing what God says. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

Ephesians 4:5 - Whether people say they believe don't believe, most of them haven't got a clue who God is. You can read a million books about Jesus and Christianity but there is only one book that tells you all about creation, God, mankind and everything else: the Bible. 

17/2/19 - Every day is a new battle - Pastor Mark - Pastor Mark
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2 Timothy 2:1 - It's already in our hearts to sin, that's why it's so easy. This is why every day we must battle temptation, sin and a hard heart towards God. We are soldiers, we cannot love the world and the things in it as well as Gos, so it can be dangerous because we are going against the world.

10/2/19 - Delight in the Lord - Pastor Mark - Mark Hemus
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Psalms 1:3 and 37:11 - Why wouldn't people want peace and joy? God promises us peace in the midst of the storms, he says that he'll never leave us and encourages us to come to him so he can lift us up. His word revives us. Not what we think, but what God says.

3/2/19 - Build your life on the rock - Pastor Mark
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Luke 6:46-49 - Build your life on the rock of the knowledge of God. Who do you think knows best: Man or God? It is clear from just reading the newspapers that if our faith is with Man, we can have no hope. God promises and we can expect with confidence.

27/1/19 - How to find the knowledge of God - Ben Turner
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Proverbs 2:2 - Why do some people believe in God and others choose not to believe in God? What is our purpose in life and why did all of this come to be? A look at the facts so that we do not need to make such an important choice in ignorance.

20/1/19 - Single mindedness - Matthew Hemus
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1 Chronicles 12:33 - So many times we fall short of our potential because we are of a double heart. How much can we do with single-minded focus on the calling of God.

13/1/19 - God's will for us - Pastor Mark Hemus
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Ecclesiastes 9:9-12 - Why are we so focused on what we want rather than what God wants? If we truly believe in God then we have to believe in His promises, and trust Him, that His way is better than ours. Mark brings our focus onto what is eternally important.

6/1/19 - A better use of time - Pastor Mark
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Ecclesiastes 3:9-14 - Plan to make sure we don't waste our time - we can't take anything with us once we die, so why do we spend such effort on things that perish. If we follow the concepts and principles in the Bible in our lives, then they will get better.

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